1. Building 1 Edificio 1 | 2. Building 2 Edificio 2 | 3. Building 3 Edificio 3 | 4. Garita | 5. Parking Parqueo | 6. Access Square Plaza De Acceso | 7. Play Ground Juegos Infantiles | 8. Garden Jardin

Quantity M2 FT2 %
Architecture 1 Building 1 | Edificio 1 28 2,295.75 24,711.22 24.68%
2 Building 2 | Edificio 2 26 2,295.75 24,711.22 24.68%
3 Building 3 | Edificio 3 26 2,183.25 23,500.28 23.47%
D Hypars   175.00 1,883.68 1.88%
E Technical | Máquinas   50.72 545.95 0.55%
SubTotal 80 7,000.47 75,352.36 75.25%
Urbanism  1,2,3 Footprint of Buildings | Desplante edificios


15,368.48 15,35%
H Water Mirror | Espejo de Agua 168.75 1,816.41 1.81%
Q Walkable Surface | Circulación Peatonal 2,086.20 22,455.65 22.43%
V Parking and Roads | Parqueos y Calles 5,345.28 57,536.06 57.46%
J Green Area | Zonas Verdes 274.53 2,955.01 2.95%
Subtotal 9,302.54 100,131.61 100,00%
Total Area of Property | Área Total de la Propiedad 9,302.54 100,131.61 100,00%


Key Local M2 FT2 Availability
M Mid-sized meeting hall | Sala de reuniones mediana 168.75 1,816.41 2
N Normal size meeting hall | Sala de reuniones normal 112.50 1,210.94 1
O Offices | Oficinas 56.25 605.47 24
P Medical Practices | Prácticas médicas 56.25 605.47 34
R Shops | Tiendas 56.25 605.47 19